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Membership to Hauraki Naturally is free.  Our membership system is described HERE.



To join the Hauraki Naturally Community you need to complete your personal member profile.  N.B. This should be done on a computer, rather than a smartphone.  You need at least one photo clearly showing your face and one photo showing you in a naturist setting.  You also need to write some basic info about yourself - approximate age group, the location you live at, and something about your interest in naturism - e.g. what naturist activities you like to do or would like to try.  To protect your privacy, your profile and photos are ONLY VISIBLE to other bona-fide members who have completed their profiles.  Nobody else has access to them.


       Here's how . . .

   *  Log in to your account.  Then click on your name and select "Profile"

   *  Your profile page has two parts as follows:

In the box on the left you can add your Icon picture and the name by which you want other members to know you.  Click the EDIT button, then click on the image to upload a pic from your computer.  Click below the image to type your name.  When you're done, click SAVE.


In the "About" box on the right, click in the space provided and start typing.  You should say where in New Zealand you live, your approximate age group, a brief description of your naturist experience, and what you'd like to gain from your membership.  Remember - your profile is your introduction to other members, so the more you can say, the better.

Now add your photos - more if you wish.  Click before or after the text you've just written - the blinking cursor is where you're photo will be placed.  Click the left hand camera icon below the "About" box and choose your photo off your computer.

When you're done, click the blue "Publish" tab.  You can edit your profile text, add or remove photos, any time.  Just click "Publish" to update after each time you make changes.

   *  As soon as we see your completed profile, we'll confirm your Community membership.  You can speed up that process by dropping us an EMAIL to let us know.



1. Photos for your profile must be of you.  You can have additional photos of people who are known to you, but you MUST have their express permission to use the photos.  Photos MUST be your own work, or you certify and guarantee that you are the copyright owner or otherwise entitled to publish.  Photos of people copied from the internet are not acceptable on your profile

2. Photos may show total nudity, but MUST NOT be pornographic.  See below for definition*

3. By uploading photos, you agree to grant Hauraki Naturally permission to host them on your profile for that express purpose.  You retain the right to remove them, change them, and edit your profile as you wish, provided you meet the requirements for Community Membership.

*PORNOGRAPHY.  Any photo that depicts a person in a sexually provocative nature, or is framed in such a way as to overly draw attention to genitalia, is deemed to be pornographic and will NOT be accepted.  We reserve the right to determine whether or not a photo falls into this definition.


As a Community Member you have access to a chat facility.  It appears as a green tab at the bottom right of the page when you log in and go to the MEMBERS AREA / Gallery or Members.  It doesn't appear on any other pages. If another member is online at the same time, you can live chat, otherwise you can type a message and the recipient will receive it via email.

To start a chat, click the tab and then click + New Chat .  Then click on the member you wish to message / chat with from the list.

BEAR IN MIND that you can send a message to any member on the list, but only other Community Members will be able to reply to you or live chat.  Members shown as Registered will receive your message via email, but they do not have access to the chat facility, so cannot reply.  You can see a member's status by checking on the Members page, or by going to that person's profile.


To change your Log in password:

1.  Click "Log in" and enter your email address but NOT your password.

2   Click "Forgot password?"

3.  You will be sent an email with a link which will enable you to set a new password.


From time to time we run an audit of the website to tidy things up and remove inactive accounts.  If you have a membership account but haven't logged in for some time, the system may have deactivated your account and you won't be able to log in.

If this happens, you can easily reactivate your account by going to THIS PAGE

NOTE:  You will need to enter the email address and password that you originally used to create your account.

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