Hauraki Naturally

Member Code of Conduct
Hauraki Naturally is committed to conducting all of its activities with honesty and integrity, in accordance with high ethical and legal standards and with respect for our members and non-member guests.
This Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour expected of all members and non-members who participate in Hauraki Naturally activities, including the use of this website. Hauraki Naturally members should agree to adhere to this code of conduct for the duration of their membership. A member who is found to be in breach of this code of conduct may have their membership revoked by the Hauraki Naturally Admin. Such revoking of membership does not preclude any further legal action should such action be deemed appropriate.
Members are expected to familiarise themselves with, and comply with all Hauraki Naturally’s policies and values as set out on the Hauraki Naturally website. Failure to do so may result termination of membership.
Hauraki Naturally considers it vital that any activity conducted under its auspices, regardless of the activity’s venue, including this website, are conducted in a manner that is a safe and trusted environment for all attendees.
Member Conduct
Hauraki Naturally as an organisation may be judged by the conduct of individual members, Therefore members should conduct themselves in such a way that reflects its vision, aims and values.
Hauraki Naturally members must treat others with respect and must not encourage or participate in bullying or intimidation of other people. This includes appropriate use of language and ethical consideration in all communications, such as the website forums, emails, member chat, calendar of events, photo galleries, personal profiles, and Hauraki Naturally authorised Social Media.
Hauraki Naturally members will act with honesty in all dealings with other members. Members must not misrepresent or withhold information from the Hauraki Naturally admin in relation to Hauraki Naturally services, calendar events, projects and initiatives.
Hauraki Naturally members will adhere to all equality laws and regulations and shall not discriminate against any person. They should ensure that their behaviour does not bring Hauraki Naturally into disrepute or threaten Hauraki Naturally’s legal obligations.
Photo and Content Policy
Hauraki Naturally exists to promote the philosophy, lifestyle and values of Naturism. It is not about exhibitionism, voyeurism, pornography, or any other sexually charged motivation. Therefore do not post any content in your member profile, forum posts, or photo gallery submissions that contradicts our values. Photos may show you naked, but such images should portray you as a naturist. Do not post photos that draw unnecessary attention or focus to genitalia, such as close-ups of genitals, erections, headless torsos, low angle shots, etc. Naked selfies taken standing in a bathroom are pointless, do not portray a Naturist lifestyle, and are likely to be removed.
Do NOT use the chat facility to set up sexual liaisons with other members, to send sexually explicit photos, to discuss the nature of your preferred sexual activities. If you have joined the site expecting to engage in sexual activity, or for any other sexually oriented reasons, you have come to the wrong place and your membership will be revoked.
Non disclosure
Hauraki Naturally members must uphold and protect the confidentiality of other members of Hauraki Naturally. This includes, but is not limited to, private addresses, private email addresses, phone numbers, profile information, photos and other images, or any other means of contact or identification, or other personal information about race, sexual identification, religious or political affiliation and financial information. The disclosure of this information may not only be a breach of trust but may also be a breach of the law. It is a condition of Hauraki Naturally membership that you agree not to pass on to any other person any such personal information provided to you by another Hauraki Naturally member without their express permission. You must also ensure that such information (whether in hardcopy or electronic form) is stored securely and not disclose to third parties any personal information that is not publicly available unless the consent of the individual to whom the information relates is first obtained.
Member Benefits and Site Access
Hauraki Naturally members should use their membership benefits appropriately and should safeguard the benefits of their membership, and not transfer these benefits, such as their website password, to others. If a member of Hauraki Naturally should know of, or become aware of, any breach of this Code of Conduct by another member they should notify Hauraki Naturally admin immediately.
Name and Logo
The Hauraki Naturally name and logo are copyrighted and belong to Hauraki Naturally. They should not be used by individual members unless the member has received permission from the Hauraki Naturally admin, and used both in accordance with the Hauraki Naturally Style Guide, available from the Hauraki Naturally admin.