Hauraki Naturally

Calling All Amateur Photographers
You will most likely know that we have been offering a very popular Naturist Photography service for members who want to have some professional looking photos taken of themselves in naturist situations.
Up to now, we've only been able to offer this to members who live in the Hauraki Naturally region, or within a reasonable drive from us. Lately we've been getting more inquiries from members who live in other regions of New Zealand, and so we'd like to see if we can extend the service to cover these other areas.
If you're a keen photographer and would like to join our team, then keep reading . . .
1. A decent digital camera - not just a smartphone.
2. An demonstrated ability to compose and frame great photos.
3. An easy-going nature and an ability to work with the subject and to keep them at ease.
4. A willingness to donate your time and work for actual expenses only (Petrol cost, etc)
IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE YOU. then please EMAIL ME with details on what gear you have, some samples of your work, and the general region you can cover.