Hauraki Naturally

British Naturism contributes to government inquiry

News from the British Naturism Website:
We’re pleased to say that we’ve recently submitted written evidence to a Women and Equalities Commons Select Committee inquiry, ‘Changing the Perfect Picture: An Inquiry into Body Image’. which has been gathering information from people and organisations on what causes poor body image and the impact of adverts, social media and Government policy.
It has included social media censorship, the lack of realistic depictions of the human body, and the lack of education about the range of body types which exist etc. Also under consideration were the effects of poor body image along with the role of government (including the recent Online Harms White Paper) and regulation on the issue.
Commons Select Committees are made up of a minimum of 11 MPs from across the political parties. They select areas of inquiry, receive evidence (both written and oral) and prepare reports for submission to the House of Commons.
Most of BN’s evidence was compiled by BN’s former Campaigns Director, Malcolm Boura who was the author of BN’s 2016 report, ‘Children Deserve Better’ which covered BN’s views regarding the positive influences which Naturism has on children’s development. Valuable insight into the functioning
of government committees was provided by Edwin Kilby and I was happy to chip in where I could and comment on the draft documents.
Our evidence noted that little or no progress has been made in recent years on improving people’s body image. The paper presented the opinion, backed by evidence, that a more relaxed attitude to the naked human body would result in significant improvements and that this is possible with little or no cost. The paper referred to a wide variety of sources and included some of the positive personal testimonies which have been shared by members.
Our paper has been published on the Women and Equalities Committee website alongside submissions from many other well-known and respected groups - it's great to be seen to be rubbing shoulders with them!
We hope that by taking part, Naturism will be seen by government as a healthy and natural way of being which offers many advantages and for it to lead to greater recognition that changing the way in which the naked body is perceived in the UK has the potential to be widely beneficial.
Shân Allen
Families Officer
If you'd like to read and / or obtain a copy of the submission, Click HERE